
Friday, June 10, 2016

Give a Little Kindness!

       This morning I had a man walk up to me at Food Lion, I was making a quick run to pick up diapers. Normally, I would feel alarmed at a stranger especially one who is a man walking up to me when it is just me and my baby, but I was in a very public place and this man had a kind and warm smile on his face. He said, "Your baby has a beautiful smile, she must get that from you."
        I did not get the feeling that he was hitting on me, just merely paying me a compliment. I smiled, thanked the man, and told him to have a wonderful day. As I stood in line to pay for the diapers and Diet Coke that I had in my cart, I kept smiling. When it came to be my turn to check out, the first thing the cashier said to me was, "Hello, it seems like you are having a good morning!"
       Truth be told , I was not having a good morning at all. Hailey wouldn't go to sleep until 12:30 AM last night, I was not caught up on my school work, and I was upset with my husband (I don't need to go into details). I felt so low about myself and felt like I had no control over my world.
 To the man that took a moment of his time to pay me a compliment this morning,
              Thank you. I don't think you know how much your kind words mean to me and how much I needed them today. I don't know if you sensed that I wasn't having a good morning or if you are just the type of person that is compassionate towards others. To me, it seems as if you are both an observant and compassionate person. You brightened up my day. Now instead of being sad, I will think up upon your kindness and will smile. You gave me a gift of confidence and happiness and that is worth more than a 1,000 words,
                                                                           The Mom with the Adorable Baby

It takes but a single moment to help someone, to make their day better, and to change their outlook on life in that moment to be positive. You never know who really needs that show of kindness and confidence boost.

"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."- Aesop 

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