
Monday, May 16, 2016

Freedom of Parenthood without Judgement

            My mom brought up a video in conversation a few days ago that she had watched on involving a woman who was teaching her baby to swim. Mom told me she had thought about sharing this video on Facebook, but thought better about it and decided not too. I asked her why she had decided not to post the video and she stated, " I felt you would have been offended especially since I agreed with the video."
          Well, this raised my curiosity! I am not offended by much so I thought this video must be offensive! Mom started to describe the video to me: a mother had her baby sitting on a stair located in a pool, she let her baby fall face-forward towards the pool and let her wade there for a few moments on their stomach while she was close by until the baby flipped over on it's back. The baby then swam a little bit and made small noises that some viewed as distressed. In the commentary section of the video, there were many upset, some judgemental comments.
          I was not offended by this video of a mother teaching her baby to swim, but by the fact that my mom had decided not to share this video due to what she felt my opinion may be.

         To be honest, no I did not necessarily agree with that mother's particular methods of teaching her baby to swim, but I am not offended by it, nor am I judging the mother's parenting techniques. I do think there was a different way to go about getting the same end result. Here is what I would have done: While holding onto Hailey's sides, I would gently lay her towards the water. Standing close to give her a feeling of security, Hailey would wade for a few moments on her own. If I did not see Hailey turning over onto her back I would then intervene.

         I think it is wonderful that mother wanted to start teaching her baby a very valuable and important life skill. In my personal opinion, I feel that the mother's technique could have been more gentle. Allowing the baby to fall towards the water could have hurt the child's face at the distance she was falling and could have been considered frightening for them.

      I do not mean that my way is right and the other mother's is wrong. The point is, we are parents and we have a right to parent as we see fit. Each baby is different and unique. That particular mother felt her child would learn best from the "fight or flight" response. The mother was still close by to her child and aptly watching them. I am not going to judge that mother and deem her "unfit". I give her many kudos for taking an active role in educating her child.

        Remember, we are all mothers. We all deserved the benefit of the doubt. We all deserve equality and respect from each other; after all we all have the greatest job of them all- raising our children. 

    Lastly, no one should ever be afraid or hesitant in sharing something with others that they feel strongly or have an opinion about.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, it is okay to be on the opposite side occasionally. It is often interesting to hear other's opposing thoughts and opinions. We are human, these differences are necessary.

Does anyone have a story to share where that they felt another mother judged them and assumed the worst?

Here is The Mother' Hood Official video featured on, not only is the video amusing, it shows the "Mommy War" plain and simple. There are a million different types of mothers out there, but when it comes to a baby in need; everyone goes running. I love the message this video is sending! Similac did a wonderful job! Enjoy! 

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