
Friday, May 13, 2016

The Human Chew Toy

           Yes, you did read my title of my post correctly, "The Human Chew Toy."  Perhaps you are wondering what I mean by this. If you are a mother or have a child then you may already know and are waiting to see how I describe this particular phenomenon. It occurs when you have a child between the ages of 4-12 months ( I have to hope this stops at some point!) and they are in what we call the "drool phase".
        This phase could mean many things; your child could be teething or just has excessive saliva, who knows really?  Hailey could be teething, if she is; it has been about a month and no tooth has popped in for a surprise visit...long process it seems like.

       My daughter has a quirky personality and is starting to show her funny bone. Again, these moments mainly happen on the changing table, it is quite a special place for a parent and a baby; remember those in depth conversations I told you about? A lot happens on the changing table besides the obvious.

        Hailey has recently started grabbing and holding onto my arm and bringing it to her mouth. When I catch her doing it, she gives me an innocent and somewhat blank look until I call her out on her little "scheme," then she gives me the biggest smile and thinks it is funny that I caught her in the act. Not only does she do this with my arm, but my hands and fingers.

       I swear she almost gave my thumb a hickey yesterday! Normally I do not let her gnaw on any of my appendages, but she caught me in a vulnerable moment; I was exhausted. I wasn't aware of her sucking until I felt drool sliding down my hand and my thumb was starting to hurt.

     In my one moment of weakness, I believe I have become Hailey's favorite chew toy. Her teething toys no longer appeal to her; the keys and her water ring lay rejected in the living room sadly awaiting her return. Perhaps now is the time to purchase Sophia the Giraffe, the ultimate teething toy and every parent's secret weapon!

    Since I am now aware to her game, you would think Hailey would get the hint and give up on me being the new favorite. Nope, my brilliant child thought to resort to deceivement. Hailey loves her hands, she likes to try to stick her entire fist into her mouth at all times. She often holds one of my fingers in her little fist. Hailey decided to try to get to my finger by sticking her fist in her mouth. Get that, my finger was hidden in her fist! My baby is just so smart! I had to laugh at her cunning and brilliant plan.

    This is a perfect story that gives you a sneak peek at what my life is like everyday. I hope you thought this story as funny as I did. It is not fun to laugh by yourself, so please laugh :D

P.S. Next post may be of a more serious nature. I am allowed to switch it up sometimes! Just fair warning!

                                                                                      (As they say at the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!)

1 comment:


    Here is the link if you would like to purchase a Sophie the Giraffe teething toy! :D Amazon usually ships pretty quickly. From what I have heard its the best teething toy for babies!
